Types of Alimony in Tennessee

If you are going through divorce in Tennessee, you might be wondering whether you may be eligible to receive alimony or if your spouse has a right to it. You may not know that Tennessee has four different types of alimony. An experienced alimony lawyer in Nashville explains the details regarding each. Transitional Alimony Transitional…

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How Is Alimony Calculated in Tennessee?

If your divorce case involves alimony – whether you plan to receive it or pay it – you likely want to know how much financial support might be awarded in your case. Like many legal questions, the answer is “It depends.” Courts can consider various factors when determining how much alimony to award or whether…

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What Is Considered a High Asset Divorce?

Divorces involving significant assets are sometimes referred to as “high-asset divorces.”  These divorces are often much more complex than other types of divorces, so working with an experienced Nashville divorce lawyer is crucial to ensure your rights and property interests are protected. What Makes A Divorce a High Asset One? While there is not a…

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Can Grandparents Get Visitation Rights in Tennessee?

You may have heard the term “grandparent rights” and assume that you have them. However, Tennessee’s child custody laws give a lot of reverence to parents’ preferences, allowing them to act as stewards for who can have access to their children. Specialized Nashville child custody attorneys share what you need to know about potentially obtaining…

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What Factors Are Considered When Determining Child Custody?

In child custody proceedings, the court considers what is in the best interests of the child when rendering a decision. The custody arrangement ordered should permit both parents to enjoy maximum participation in the child’s life, considering the parents’ residences’ locations, the child’s need for stability, and other relevant factors. Nashville family law attorneys explain…

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Benefits of a Prenuptial Agreement in a Divorce

Divorce can be a painful and emotional experience. However, if you had the wherewithal to enter into a prenuptial agreement before your marriage, you can now benefit from your good planning. Here are some of the top benefits of a prenuptial agreement in a divorce: Protect Separate Property Prenuptial agreements allow you to protect separate…

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How Is Student Loan Debt Handled in a Tennessee Divorce?

When contemplating getting a divorce, people often think about marital assets and dividing them equitably, whether that’s furniture, real estate, or cash and retirement accounts. But they sometimes need to consider what happens to debt in a divorce, especially student loan debt. As student loan debt numbers soared in recent years, this becomes a very…

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How to Get a Restraining Order in Tennessee

It’s a nightmare no one wants to find themselves in: They’ve been the subject of someone else’s unhealthy obsession, they’re the victim of sexual assault, or they’re the victim of domestic abuse. These situations can cause enormous stress and fear, and sometimes they overlap. The first step toward regaining a sense of safety and security…

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