Franklin Property Division Attorney

Sometimes, going through a divorce or legal separation involves separating the assets and liabilities of the couple. This process is sometimes referred to as property division or distribution of marital property.

Many different factors contribute to how property is divided between the parties after a divorce. Parties to a divorce can come to an agreement as to how their property will be divided. In some cases, a prenuptial agreement will be determinative. However, if you and your spouse are unable to reach an agreement, a court may decide how the property is divided based on guidelines provided by law. If you and your spouse are having difficulty coming to an agreement about how to divide your property after a divorce, the Franklin divorce lawyers at Burdine Law Firm can help you.

  • At Burdine Law Firm, our lawyers understand the intricacies involved in property division cases and deploy our best resources to get your fair share in the equitable distribution of your marital property.
  • Our skilled Franklin property division attorneys review your case and assess your assets and debts to ensure that all marital property is accounted for in the value of the divisible property.
  • Our principal, Hannah Burdine, is an experienced divorce litigator and is not afraid to take your case to trial if necessary to secure your fair share of marital property in your property division case.

Whether your contribution to the marital property was tangible or intangible, you deserve an equitable share. The Franklin property division lawyers at Burdine Law Firm can help you ensure you are not cheated out of your fair share of the marital property and protect your non-marital assets. For more information about how a Franklin family law attorney at Burdine Law Firm can help you, call us today at (629) 529-4615 to schedule a consultation.

What is Marital Property in Franklin, Tennessee?

Tennessee Law (TN Code § 36-4-121 [2021]) defines marital property as “all real and personal property, both tangible and intangible acquired by either or both spouses during the marriage up to the date of the final divorce hearing” or order of legal separation. Under the law, marital property also includes the following:

  • Income from any increase in the value of either party’s separate property each party substantially contributed to the increase in the property’s value
  • The value of vested and unvested pension benefits, retirement benefits, stock option rights, and other employment benefits
  • Compensation recovered in personal injury lawsuits, workers’ compensation, and social security disability actions

In dividing marital property, the court’s objective is not equal distribution of the property, but rather equitable distribution under the circumstances. For instance, the court will take into consideration factors such as the duration of the marriage, the tangible or intangible contribution by one party to the education or training of the other, and the value of each party’s separate property.

Contact Our Experienced Franklin Property Division Lawyers

You deserve to be treated fairly and equitably in the division of marital property after your divorce. The Franklin property division attorneys at Burdine Law Firm will fight to protect your interests and ensure that your contributions to marital assets are fairly valued. You need a knowledgeable property division attorney who understands the law and will fight to protect your best interests. Call the Franklin property division attorneys at Burdine Law Firm today at (629) 529-4615 to schedule a consultation.