Is it wrong to date before a divorce is final?

This is a question that is often brought up.  If I have to give a definitive answer, I would clearly say no, however, if you and are your spouse are getting an amicable divorce, meaning that you have already signed the divorce agreement, then it is probably okay to date, however, you should not spend…

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What Is Reasonable to Ask for in a Divorce?

When you are in divorce court or negotiating a divorce agreement, the starting point is one-half of the marital estate, minus the debts and liabilities; however, there are factors that can affect how the marital assets are divided in a divorce, including but not limited to the following: Whether one of the spouses has a…

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Preparing for a Divorce

If you believe that a divorce is imminent, there are things you need to do before a divorce action is commenced. Set up a post office box for receiving mail that you don’t want your spouse to see and be sure to update your mailing address with your new PO Box address for receiving mail….

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Take Care of Yourself

When you are going through a stressful life-changing event like a divorce or the threat of losing custody of your child, it is easy to let worry overtake you. It’s hard to find the motivation to cook yourself a nutritious meal and look after your physical fitness. It is important during this time that you…

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