Exposed: The Tactics Used to Create Unfair Divorce Demands

The Shocking Reality Behind Divorce Tactics Did you know that nearly 50% of divorces involve some form of financial deceit? Imagine this: half of all people going through a divorce are also battling under-the-table maneuvers and hidden agendas. That’s like playing a high-stakes game where half the players are bluffing! If you’ve recently been blindsided…

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Navigating Divorce: Understanding Divorce in Tennessee

Divorce may seem daunting for spouses approaching this legal process for the first time. Even those who have been through prior divorces might be unclear on how Tennessee dissolves marriages. While internet research can provide plenty of basic information, divorce is a highly personal process that varies depending on the situation of each individual spouse….

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Health Insurance and Divorce in Tennessee

HEALTH INSURANCE AND DIVORCE One of the biggest fears you may have when considering whether you should divorce your spouse is the loss of health insurance coverage when you are covered under your spouse’s health insurance plan and your ability to obtain your own health insurance coverage after the divorce. This is especially scary if…

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Child Custody in Tennessee

In Tennessee, it is the policy to assure that minor children have frequent and continuing contact with their parents, so long as the parents have shown the ability to act in the best interests of their children. The State of Tennessee encourages parents to share in the rights and responsibilities of raising their children after…

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If you find yourself divorcing a narcissist, you are embarking on one of the most difficult life events that you will ever experience; however, you can defeat your narcissist in divorce court. Finding out you are married to a narcissist is a lot like the story about the frog and a pot of water. If you put a…

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Is it wrong to date before a divorce is final?

This is a question that is often brought up.  If I have to give a definitive answer, I would clearly say no, however, if you and are your spouse are getting an amicable divorce, meaning that you have already signed the divorce agreement, then it is probably okay to date, however, you should not spend…

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