Nashville Child Custody Lawyer

Preparing for Your Life After a Divorce

No matter what terms your relationship ends on, figuring out how to plan for the care of your children post-divorce is never easy. There are often times when divorcees don’t agree on how to divide up their childrens’ care between the two former spouses. There could also be disputes about care capability. In these situations, it’s always best to turn to expert advice from a qualified Nashville family law attorney at Burdine Law Firm.

How Burdine Law Firm Can Help

The specialized Nashville child custody attorneys at Burdine Law Firm have the legal skills and experience to provide:

  • Representation both Inside and Outside the Courtroom
  • An Adaptable and Responsive Partner Attorney
  • Mitigated Stress
  • Access to a Wealth of Legal Experience

The Two Types of Split Custody

  • Sole Custody: In a Sole Custody agreement, one parent assumes total responsibility for the care of their children. Sole custody is often granted to one parent if the other is deemed an unfit parent due to physical or severe emotional abuse, substance abuse, or mental illness.
  • Joint Custody: Joint Custody agreements split the time and expenses caring for children between the two divorced parents. This is the goal of most custody arrangements post-divorce.

Common Custody Issues in Tennessee

Primary or Alternate Custody

In the state of Tennessee, most custody arrangements consist of a primary residential parent and an alternate residential parent. The primary parent has custody of the children the majority of the time, while the alternate has them less. There are often arguments over who should have primary custody.

Joint Custody

While joint custody implies that divorced parents have equal responsibility for their children, that’s not always the case. While they may both have custody, it may not be an even split. This can often cause confusion and unexpected arguments during divorce proceedings.

Modifying Custody

There’s always the risk that a parent will want to modify a custody arrangement down the line. However, this can be a very difficult and stressful endeavor, so it’s best to try and pursue an ideal custody arrangement during the initial proceedings. Our Nashville child custody modification lawyer understands the legal process necessary in cases in which child custody arrangements must be modified.

Other Child Custody Issues

There could be other circumstances involved with child custody that will complicate divorce proceedings. To make sure you have all your bases covered, it’s essential you work with an experienced attorney.

let our nashville child custody attorney help with your custody case

The Burdine Difference

Attorney Hannah Burdine is a Tennessee native with a passion for helping other Tennesseans settle their divorce proceedings and child custody disputes as quickly as possible. She has practiced domestic, matrimonial, family, divorce, child custody, and adoptions law for almost fifteen years. Her broad expertise as a divorce lawyer in Nashville will help you navigate your divorce and child custody proceedings with ease.

What a Court Takes Into Account When Determining Custody


The stability of the children is one of the most important factors when determining custody arrangements. In most cases, if a parent cannot prove he or she will provide stability for the children, including the willingness and ability to facilitate a close relationship between the children and the other parent, the ability to clothe, feed, shelter, and educate their children, they will have a hard time getting a favorable custody arrangement. Being the financially inferior parent is not a deal-breaker, however, and it is why child support is awarded to the parent who earns less income than the other parent.

Child-Parent Relationship

Courts will often take the relationship between the individual parent and the children into consideration. In some cases, they’ll even ask the older children which parent they would prefer to stay with after the divorce is finalized.

Parent History

The court will consider the parent’s background as well. If the individual has any history of violence, abuse, or neglect, he or she will be hard-pressed to get custody rights in divorce proceedings. This is especially true if the parent has committed any of these acts against children.

Other Areas the Burdine Law Firm Can Assist You

We’re Here To Help

If you’ve made the difficult decision to separate from your partner, and the care of your children hangs in the balance, the Burdine Law Firm is here to help. Ms. Burdine brings her decades of experience to the table to help your divorce process go as smoothly as possible. Contact our team today to get started on your child custody and divorce proceedings.